Saturday, January 14, 2017

The YHC Sketchbook Project: Independent Final Exam Project

The YHC Sketchbook Project

A spread from my own sketchbook project about Youth

The YHC Sketchbook Project:
Each of you are receiving a 24-page black 8.5 x5.5 paperback sketchbook. This will be due at the end of the semester. 
It will be your final project for the semester. You've got all semester. Don't wait until the last day to complete it.
There should be a THEME that runs throughout the sketchbook.

These sketchbooks will be viewed by everyone in class and also displayed in the cases in the art department on the 2nd floor. You will also receive a grade. You should have more than enough time to fill the entire book.
Single-page sketches or Double-page spread sketches. It could even be one continuous sketch throughout that somehow is like an accordion fold when opened.  Think what you can do with this book.
Any media is acceptable. Any method of inclusion is acceptable. It should be on a topic/theme that inspires you. I will provide some themes as well if you want to choose from them.
You can take the book apart and run it through the printer or use collage materials or run it through the sewing machine.

It could contain “pop up” images, silkscreened images, gate folds, die cuts, or more conventional image making like pen, pencil, & watercolor. The sky is the limit.  Creativity is the goal.

The book MUST be returned back to me in it’s original shape and size. No larger and no smaller and no heavier. You cannot add or delete pages to it. If you glue, staple, collage materials to it then it should still retain it’s 2D flat shape with possible width and weight.  
Again, the size and shape must be the same when you return it.
Every page must be acknowledged which means no blank pages unless you are seeking spatial or compositional qualities that one side of the page can lend to another side.  For drama or focus. In the end, the book must fit back into it’s acetate envelope.
You could also quite possibly create a new front/back cover if you want using a different type of paper or material. You can change all the cover paper stock if you wish. Maybe it’s cover is made of wood or cloth or mylar wood or any other substrate that will join your thematic approach.
It’s Art serving Art with a purpose.
*I would ask that before all the books are collected that you make a digital copy for yourself. Flat Double-page spreads of the entire book. I would encourage you to even put these pages up on your blogs for posterity.

Again, here are the specifics of the project:
1.  Sketchbooks MUST have a Theme or Topic. You should indicate the theme somehow inside the book.
2.  The name of designer and the Theme/Topic should be listed on the last page of the sketchbook (not the inside back cover but the last page someplace.)
3.  Each Designer should “sign and date” the sketchbook on the last page near their name.
4.  Whatever you wish to do inside the book (and the covers) is fine as long as it returns itself to me at midterm.  (size/scale)
That’s it.  No get to work and have fun.
Photography, illustrations, typography, posters, doodles, collage, mixed media, painted images, die cuts, pop ups, stamps, embossed images, printed images, printmaking, etc.  Just be creative.
Possible Themes:
Youth, Vote, Loyalty, Courage, Truth, Friend, Aging, Death,Acceptance, Safe, Peace, War, Industry, Work, Academic, Play,
Native, Homo, Native, Path, Injustice, Sex, Tolerance, Native, Safety, Tolerance, Spirituality, Fashion, Political, Cooking, Explore, Seashore, Foreplay, Language, Chemistry, Hunting, Touch, Secret, DYI, Hashtag, Beauty, Sexuality, Experience, Kiss, Plunder, Nomad, Unity, Survival, Open, Catatonic, Memory, Investigate, Senses, Dilemma, Passion, Naked, Compass, Beach, Mountains, Music,Poetry, Touch, Catastrophic, Divorce, Lonely, Flirt, Theatre, etc. 

It'll be fun so just relax and experiment and have fun doing something so creative. Don't wait until the night before it's due to start okay?

The amazing foldout sketchbook below was created by Augusta Nelson. Just shows you what a little time, creativity and conceptualization of your idea can produce. It's astounding to see this in person. 

Below: This is what an incredible Sketchbook looks like created by Michaela Jelin. Incredibly thoughtful. Poetically Beautiful. A piece of Art that is personal with a universal message. More beautiful in person actually than reproduced here. There were several from the seniors last fall and I'll bring them to class to show you in person.  Achieve for what this can be as an object that represents visual thinking and authentic concepts.


The Sketchbook Project: Example


Another Sketchbook Example:

Below is before the artist started the process:

After ::  My concept for this sketchbook came from my love for collecting old photographs.  Ever since I was a kid I’ve been collecting old things - postcards, letters, matchbooks, photographs, etc.  I had this old yearbook from 1954 that I thought was so great and so funny.  Inspired by Andy Warhol and the Pop Art movement of the 50s - I took apart this old yearbook, used quotes and images from it - and gave it a little pop art twist.  Here’s what I came up with :: (bigger images) 


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