Sunday, January 8, 2017

Martin Luther King Commemorative Poster Design 2017

The MLK Commemorative Poster:
Due: Thursday January 12th by end of class/printed
Printed only (not mounted)
All original art/photo/collage/typography/illustration/drawing/etc.
1. A commemorative poster design honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
2. You should tag the poster with the YHC official logo someplace on your poster design.
I'll provide the YHC official logo in jpeg format for use
3. Poster should be a vertical format, 12 x 18
4. Possible examples of text/headers to include on the poster: 
MLK Day 2017
January 16th, 2017
Young Harris College
33rd Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration (or Observance)
January 16, 2017
Young Harris College
MLK, Jr. 2017
Young Harris College
"I have a dream" of some quote appropriate to the day/occassion.
The imagery should be original drawing, quote, photography, illustration, painting, collage, typography that symbolizes the history and the holiday of the man at the center of this national holiday
Check out:
Martin Luther King Jr. Was an American clergyman, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience. 
The Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site includes a number of facilities that are operated in partnership with the National Park Service, Ebenezer Baptist Church and The King Center. Within these facilities the visitor can learn about Dr. King's life and and his influence on others. The Peace Plaza is the area between the National Park SErvice Visitor Center and Auburn Avenue. It's just a walk away from campus should you choose to visit. If you use photography this is a great resource for you to use. All images must be original.
No copyrighted images.
You can create a commemorative poster design honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in any way you wish. It might be a design honoring his entire life and create a design that could possibly be used in some form of promotion or advertising.
Think of The King Center as you client and they've asked you create a commemorative poster design for their celebratory holiday occasion on Monday January 20th each year.

You can commemorate his birthday or the national holiday. It is the legacy of his life.
Think of this a event poster. It might be inspired by by a certain design from another era (WPA posters) or it might be a design that is inspired by  typography or illustration..again play to your strengths as a designer. Create a new piece of work that is significant to the event.
Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in 1929, the second of three children. Early in his life, Reverend King recognized the evils of segregation and racial prejudice. He was an outstanding student throughout his years in school and went on to receive his Bachelor of Divinity degree in June of 1951. In a speech given during the ceremonies at the White House when Reverend King’s birthday became a recognized national holiday, Mrs. King touched the heart of our nation as she summarized her husband’s life: “In his own life’s example, he symbolized what was right about America, what was noblest and best, what human beings have loved unconditionally. He was in constant pursuit of truth, and when he discovered it, he embraced it. His nonviolent campaigns brought about redemption, reconciliation and justice.” America is a more democratic nation, a more just nation, a more peaceful nation because Martin Luther King, Jr. became her preeminent nonviolent commander. 

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